IRC Log for #openid on 2008-01-08
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [12:17:53] * OpenIDlogbot (n=PircBot@ has joined #openid
- [12:17:53] * Topic is ' - channel logged at || JanRain dev list: || OpenID 2.0 changes at'
- [12:17:53] * Set by donomo on Fri Dec 07 02:00:24 CET 2007
- [12:20:21] * polyonymous_note ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [12:43:52] * polyonymous_note ( has joined #openid
- [12:44:50] * shigeta_ (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
- [12:50:52] * Prometheus^ ( Quit ()
- [12:58:29] * flaccid ( Quit ("Leaving")
- [13:07:07] * flaccid ( has joined #openid
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- [13:22:01] * polyonymous_note ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [13:28:31] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [13:28:48] * p33r_ ( has joined #openid
- [13:29:04] * MrTopf_ ( has joined #openid
- [13:45:38] * MrTopf ( Quit (Success)
- [14:13:33] * idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) Quit (Nick collision from services.)
- [14:13:36] * idnar_ (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #openid
- [14:45:44] * MrTopf_ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
- [14:45:46] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [15:33:51] * stub (n=stub@canonical/launchpad/stub) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
- [15:34:44] * flaccid_ ( has joined #openid
- [15:52:08] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [16:03:58] * Acro (i=acro@unaffiliated/acro) has joined #openid
- [16:04:57] <flaccid_>
i can't say im having much luck creating an openid server from the library
- [16:06:20] * potato is now known as quirim
- [16:16:52] * flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
- [16:21:28] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
- [16:21:58] <donomo>
rock on, you crazy diamonds.
- [16:23:15] * MrTopf ( has joined #openid
- [16:26:18] * priidu_ (n=aa@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
- [16:34:27] <flaccid>
anyone here got an openid server made from php running?
- [16:35:08] <p33r_>!Home does work pretty ok
- [16:35:23] <p33r_>
not exactly cutting edge or user friendly , but it works
- [16:35:39] * idnar_ is now known as idnar
- [16:36:14] <p33r_>
ofcourse you have the good old
- [16:36:36] <p33r_>
wich for some how never seems to work properly for me, and is (imho) slightly confusing to configre, but the featureset is nice
- [16:37:20] <p33r_>
flaccid: but yeah, ClamShell is working at
- [16:38:54] <flaccid>
i want to make one in cakephp but not sure where to start and how to access the libraries etc. i guess im trying to do it OOP instead of inline
- [16:39:24] <flaccid>
not sure where to start. don't want to hack phpmyid, just want to use v2 of the library and an OOP php framework
- [16:39:29] <p33r_>
heh, sadly i'm a pretty bad programmer, so i cant help you there :P
- [16:40:22] <p33r_>
but i'm currently looking for any multi-user php implementation wich is not amazingly backwards to configure and supports pretty URLs, but that seems hard to come by :P
- [16:40:57] <flaccid>
yeah i am in the same position
- [16:41:09] <flaccid>
im a good programmer but don't feel like hacking
- [16:41:14] <p33r_>
- [16:41:22] <p33r_>
at least you are in a better position than me :P
- [16:41:30] <flaccid>
i want to use my own user table and session etc.
- [16:42:12] <flaccid>
i guess can just write a function to get them out of the database and preload into the array that phpmyid or clamshell uses for users?
- [16:42:24] <p33r_>
clamshell uses flat files :P
- [16:42:50] <flaccid>
thats right, its not scalable or extensible
- [16:42:58] <p33r_>
not really >_>
- [16:43:01] <flaccid>
i want to associate it ti user records in a database
- [16:43:25] <flaccid>
how does the frontend change the password in the flat file from the web form?
- [16:43:28] <p33r_>
well, i suggest you take a look at
- [16:43:44] <p33r_>
flaccid: actually, there are just multiple files, one for each user
- [16:43:57] <flaccid>
it just includes and array pushes i assume
- [16:44:02] <p33r_>
- [16:44:22] <flaccid>
not great programming principle for a scalable user auth system
- [16:44:32] <p33r_>
it's not meant to be scaleable i guess :p
- [16:44:50] <p33r_>
since only admins can add users, i'm guessing it's more of a small-installation thingy
- [16:47:36] <flaccid>
well its designed even though we all know that people want to hook it up to their own user tables
- [16:49:42] <flaccid>
so i guess in theory its easier for me to port the code from phpmyid or clamshell to OOP and write a function to get the values from the database and load into an array and not from flat file
- [16:50:28] <p33r_>
well, dont take advice from me, but it does sound good.
- [16:50:32] <flaccid>
that might solve problem
- [16:51:17] <flaccid>
and i guess mod_rewrite to get URIs that are subdomains and not /user or ?user=someone or something
- [16:51:49] * polyonymous_note ( has joined #openid
- [16:51:59] <p33r_>
does sound ok, i would be interested if you get it to work :P
- [16:52:02] <flaccid>
- [16:52:21] <flaccid>
yeah im going to have to get it to work i think
- [16:53:15] <flaccid>
just surprises me that nobody as written it properly yet. maybe people have and don't want to share/release the code. its pretty much a driver program to the libraries. the logic etc.
- [16:53:21] <flaccid>
- [16:53:39] <p33r_>
flaccid: i think most of the people with resources to do stuff like that want to be "the big" OpenID provideer
- [16:53:43] <p33r_>
so they keep it to themselves
- [16:53:52] <flaccid>
yeah thats what im thinking too
- [16:54:00] <p33r_>
if i had something that worked i could easily roll out arround 5000 new openid's pretty soon
- [16:54:10] <flaccid>
im kind of wanting to be that as well, but i will share my code once my site is up
- [16:54:17] <p33r_>
- [16:54:54] * SunWuKung ( Quit (SendQ exceeded)
- [16:54:56] <p33r_>
we run a small norwegian network of sites, what i want is OpenID + sreg to allow easy participation from site to site, we have one big site and other small sites
- [16:54:59] <flaccid>
i just want to do it properly and not some 1990s non oop php sub standard standalone webapp thats not extensible nor portable
- [16:55:07] <p33r_>
- [16:55:27] <flaccid>
i've got another unique idea thats confidential
- [16:55:35] <p33r_>
hehe, no doubt :)
- [16:55:37] <flaccid>
but its nothing too massive
- [16:55:47] <flaccid>
will still be a free service
- [16:55:48] <p33r_>
i just really want my users on OpenIDs
- [16:56:44] <p33r_>
but yeah, i cant wait until it actually catches on, all my sites actually support openID logins :P
- [16:56:45] <flaccid>
i wrote a consumer component that is well designed but nobody has done the server yet. i will have to probably use my brain which i havnt done for a while as im 40% shareholder in this not yet existant business
- [16:57:01] <p33r_>
- [16:57:16] <flaccid>
all the other stuff is pretty much written
- [16:57:21] <p33r_>
- [16:58:07] <flaccid>
once this is done it will all just work, but heh i guess we both conclude someone needs to release this kind of implementation after writing it
- [16:58:11] <flaccid>
i just don't feel like writing it
- [16:58:13] <p33r_>
as i said, i'we been following OpenID since the early days and i'm still a bit frustrated that there isnt a good server arround :P
- [16:58:22] <flaccid>
i just did the other massive side of this website
- [16:59:04] <flaccid>
i just thought the whole point was missed. people would want a new openid server that they create to connect to their existing userbase..
- [16:59:31] <flaccid>
avoid data duplication and redundancy in this respect too
- [17:00:00] <p33r_>
well, i guess that was the original idea :P but it seems most who is involved in the OpenID process allso happends to be a idP
- [17:00:43] <flaccid>
- [17:00:45] <flaccid>
id provider?
- [17:00:49] <p33r_>
yeh :p
- [17:00:57] <flaccid>
so like all our competition are probably listening atm
- [17:00:59] <flaccid>
- [17:01:07] <p33r_>
- [17:01:12] <flaccid>
i got one at
- [17:01:28] <flaccid>
seems some providers don't hold the sreg data for users either
- [17:01:30] <p33r_>
i'm actually using atm. :P
- [17:01:33] <flaccid>
like doesn't seem to do that
- [17:01:44] <p33r_>
- [17:02:27] <flaccid>
so what is the go of clamshell. is that just an extension of phpmyid?
- [17:02:40] <flaccid>
go of = go with
- [17:02:55] <p33r_>
i think it's a bit of phpmymind, a bit of JanRain library and a bit of the upcomming Druapl 6 implementation
- [17:03:09] <p33r_>
looks like it's mostly designed for small-teams that need openId's (we are gonna use it for our staff methinks)
- [17:03:11] <flaccid>
what is the upcoming drupal 6 implementation?
- [17:03:20] <flaccid>
because phpmyid is just a frontend to the library really yeah
- [17:03:40] <flaccid>
but what real advantages does clamshell have over phpmyid as its just an extension right
- [17:03:49] <p33r_>
multiuser support i guess?
- [17:04:02] <p33r_>
- [17:04:02] <p33r_>
It is derived from a number of sources, most notably phpMyId, the JanRain OpenId libraries and the forthcoming Drupal 6 implementation.
- [17:04:35] <flaccid>
but you can do that in phpmyid anyway right buy just adding another user to the file that is included
- [17:04:43] <flaccid>
they just assign the users to an array iirc
- [17:04:44] <p33r_>
- [17:04:55] <flaccid>
so i don't entirely get it
- [17:05:24] <flaccid>
it must just basically be this feature: allows the management of multiple OpenID identities from a single web page.
- [17:06:36] <flaccid>
they just wrote it to only do flat file and not integrate with another data source..
- [17:07:01] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
- [17:07:14] <flaccid>
me thinks that i will write a cakephp component at least first, but basically the driver program must interface the version 2 libraries and be portable so you only have to upgrade the libraries when you want to
- [17:07:53] <p33r_>
sounds like you have to make it yourself :P
- [17:08:22] <flaccid>
yes and no i guess. i'll try to reverse engineer phpmyid
- [17:09:04] <p33r_>
- [17:09:15] <p33r_>
good luck, and god speed to you
- [17:10:32] <flaccid>
might just be able to write a frontend to phpmyid
- [17:10:35] <flaccid>
- [17:10:36] <flaccid>
- [17:12:21] <flaccid>
p33r_, have you set up a phpmyid server before?
- [17:12:28] <p33r_>
actually, no :/
- [17:16:50] <flaccid>
but you did clamshell right?
- [17:17:54] <p33r_>
yeah, not exactly magic :P, set the users/ directory to writeable, edit two config files and off you go
- [17:19:40] <flaccid>
ok cool
- [17:20:05] <flaccid>
i think i will set up a test vhost and just install it and get it going then hack it to be multi user db then try to port to OOP
- [17:21:38] * polyonymous_note ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [17:27:44] <flaccid>
p33r_, ok it looks like phpmyid doesn't use php openid libraries. probably another reason for clamshell hmm
- [17:30:23] * MrTopf ( Quit ()
- [17:30:59] <flaccid>
p33r_, actually clamshell takes the openid libs but doesn't use it all, its a modded re-distro
- [17:31:00] <flaccid>
- [17:31:51] * MrTopf_ ( has joined #openid
- [17:33:41] <flaccid>
its a mash up hmm
- [17:40:22] <flaccid>
p33r_, might be better to use as it should be able to use the version 2 libs
- [17:42:35] <p33r_>
- [17:43:38] <flaccid>
so using the janrain one would mean you get the whole featureset of the libs as you said
- [17:43:43] <flaccid>
i guess
- [17:44:04] <flaccid>
and do mod rewrite as per step 6 in README
- [17:44:12] <p33r_>
sounds awesome, i like you :p
- [17:44:27] <flaccid>
- [17:45:11] <flaccid>
if you write the logic on top with your framework then it shouldnt be that hard to integrate, but i'll make a standalone server first
- [17:45:18] <p33r_>
- [17:57:29] * ichigo ( Quit ()
- [18:12:23] <flaccid>
not sure if i like how the standalone server creates the server URI as /index.php/serve
- [18:33:37] <flaccid>
does anyone know if version 2.x libs of openid will work with the stand alone server from janrain?
- [18:36:01] <flaccid>
appears a mismatch in function names at least
- [18:39:37] * matija (n=matija@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
- [18:52:41] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-e77c8d449ff3267e) has joined #openid
- [18:56:29] <keturn>
flaccid: php-standalone-server perhaps hasn't been updated. If your intention is to write a new application or integrate into your existing one, you might be better off just using examples/server/ in the php-openid source as a reference
- [19:05:38] * dynamo ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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