IRC Log for #openid on 2008-01-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

  1. [00:14:54] * Roebot ( has joined #openid
  2. [00:14:54] * l0gic2 (n=l0gic@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  3. [00:15:41] * l0gic (n=l0gic@ has joined #openid
  4. [00:20:08] * illustir ( Quit ()
  5. [00:31:28] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-e388c2b2d4743503) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  6. [00:32:57] * bcardarella ( has joined #openid
  7. [00:33:53] <bcardarella> cygnus: I have a question about the AX extension in the ruby gem
  8. [00:34:50] <bcardarella> I'm looking at the OpenID::AX::AXMessage class and I see that ns_uri is never assigned the NS_URI constant value. Is this intentional?
  9. [00:42:12] * danbri (n=danbri@unaffiliated/danbri) Quit ()
  10. [00:45:06] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-00bed09e547425c9) has joined #openid
  11. [00:52:46] <keturn> bcardarella: hmm, that does look suspicious
  12. [00:53:31] <bcardarella> keturn: yeah, when I try to create a new OpenID::AX:FetchRequest and add_extension I get an error...
  13. [00:53:41] <bcardarella> I traced it back to not having the proper NS_URI set
  14. [00:54:15] <bcardarella> SReg sets that automatically so I was wondering if I should just go ahead and edit the gem source or if there was a reason it was left out
  15. [00:54:45] <cygnus> sorry, I should have spoken up sooner. I'm adding a fix and some tests now
  16. [00:55:24] <bcardarella> Cool!
  17. [00:57:47] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  18. [01:10:04] <flaccid> cygnus, if im getting a timeout where processing is exceeding the limit with php, this is with the bcmath, does that mean that im going to need GMP support even though im only serving a 1 identity?
  19. [01:10:40] <cygnus> what's the current limit in your PHP config?
  20. [01:10:51] <flaccid> only 30seconds iirc
  21. [01:11:31] <cygnus> Have you done debugging to be sure that bcmath is really the cause of the timeout?
  22. [01:11:38] <cygnus> bcmath is slow, but it's not usually that slow.
  23. [01:12:26] <flaccid> i decided to upgrade the server to freebsd instead of ubuntu because ubuntu server just doesn't cut it and GMP support seems pretty much necessary. but yeah seems 30seconds wasn't long enough. yeah i think it could be another problem. this was with openid 2.0 examples/server . i will try again once this is up
  24. [01:13:28] <cygnus> ok, cool.
  25. [01:14:37] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ Quit ("Leaving...")
  26. [01:16:07] <cygnus> bcardarella: ok, a fix for that issue is now in trunk.
  27. [01:17:35] * shigeta (n=shigeta@ has joined #openid
  28. [01:17:40] <bcardarella> cygnus: thanks... is it just the ax.rb file?
  29. [01:18:05] <cygnus> yeah, in addition to a couple of tests
  30. [01:18:12] <cygnus> (in test/test_ax.rb)
  31. [01:18:18] <bcardarella> cool... I'll try it out right now
  32. [01:18:21] <cygnus> are you using darcs to track the main repository?
  33. [01:18:25] <bcardarella> yeap
  34. [01:18:27] <cygnus> awesome
  35. [01:20:26] <bcardarella> cygnus: I only originally did the 'get' command to pull the entire trunk.... is there another command to just update?
  36. [01:20:30] <cygnus> darcs pull
  37. [01:20:34] <bcardarella> Ok
  38. [01:23:49] <cygnus> If you want to view the contents of a given patch, when prompted during "darcs pull", type 'p' to view it in a pager
  39. [01:24:12] <cygnus> you can always view it after you pull it, but that's a little unwieldy
  40. [01:24:25] <bcardarella> cool... I've (obviously) never used darcs before... just svn
  41. [01:24:43] <bcardarella> is there an advantage or just a preference?
  42. [01:25:36] <cygnus> the two main differences you'll notice are 1) darcs checkouts are first-class repositories, so someone else can get/pull/push to/from your repository, and 2) patches to the repo are not per-file as in SVN
  43. [01:25:49] <cygnus> (2) is the most important distinction in my mind
  44. [01:26:04] <cygnus> the result is that you can record two changes to the same file in two different patches.
  45. [01:26:14] <bcardarella> ah ok
  46. [01:26:15] <cygnus> because when you record a patch (i.e., "darcs record"), you get prompted for each hunk.
  47. [01:26:22] <cygnus> so you can cherry-pick the changes that go into the named patch.
  48. [01:26:29] <cygnus> rather than all-or-nothing commits as with SVN.
  49. [01:26:39] <bcardarella> yeah, that's interesting.
  50. [01:26:42] <cygnus> another useful difference is that patches are not ordered.
  51. [01:26:48] <cygnus> unlike numbered revisions in SVN.
  52. [01:27:03] <bcardarella> so how do you keep track of the progression of patches?
  53. [01:27:15] <cygnus> they have implicit (or explicit) dependencies on other patches
  54. [01:27:19] <cygnus> and we use tags.
  55. [01:27:33] <cygnus> a tag is just a patch that depends on everything in the repo at the time the tag is created.
  56. [01:28:23] <bcardarella> Hmm.... I seem to be stuck in the same spot. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong
  57. [01:28:29] <cygnus> what's up?
  58. [01:29:09] <bcardarella> I'm attempting to attach a AX::FetchRequest object to the main oidreq object created in the example. I assume I just use add_extension(my_object)
  59. [01:29:34] <bcardarella> well rather: oidreq.add_extension(my_new_ax_fetchreq)
  60. [01:30:14] <bcardarella> Unless there is another method for AX objects that I missed
  61. [01:32:24] <cygnus> what's the behavior?
  62. [01:32:45] <bcardarella> I see in the AX module where FetchRequest inherits AXMessage and you're assigning ns_uri in AXMessage as an instance variable. (ns_uri) but I don't think that variable is accessible from FetchRequest (out of scope?)
  63. [01:32:55] <bcardarella> ArgumentError: Namespace must be BARE_NS, OPENID_NS or a string. Got nil
  64. [01:33:11] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-00bed09e547425c9) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  65. [01:34:11] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-4537c104bdc58863) has joined #openid
  66. [01:35:41] <cygnus> do you have a traceback?
  67. [01:36:14] <cygnus> (neat. the pibb relay just ignored a bunch of messages.)
  68. [01:37:53] <cygnus> ah, you're right. it works for FetchResponse, but it's definitely broken for FetchRequest.
  69. [01:37:54] <cygnus> fixing.
  70. [01:38:02] <bcardarella> ok, I think I fixed it... although it isn't a very "agile" fix. If you include @ns_uri in the initialize for FetchRequest
  71. [01:38:10] <bcardarella> and assign it the string value
  72. [01:38:14] <bcardarella> oh okay, you've got it
  73. [01:39:34] <bcardarella> yeah, you're calling super() to scope back to the AXMessage
  74. [01:39:40] <cygnus> it appears that the problem is that the AXMessage (superclass) constructor isn't being called in that of FetchRequest
  75. [01:39:40] <bcardarella> but not in FetchRequest
  76. [01:39:42] <cygnus> yeah
  77. [01:41:44] <bcardarella> okay, cool. Back to playing with AX :)
  78. [01:49:40] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-4537c104bdc58863) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  79. [01:52:23] <cygnus> alright, fix in trujnk
  80. [01:52:24] <cygnus> trunk, too
  81. [01:54:58] <flaccid> which trunk are you guys talking about?
  82. [01:55:53] <cygnus> ruby-openid
  83. [01:56:08] <cygnus>
  84. [01:56:26] <flaccid> ok sweet
  85. [01:57:22] <flaccid> im yet to actually test an openid with the example server. because it doesn't use users, does it just auth anything or something. sorry im not yet up to implementing the auth
  86. [01:58:15] <cygnus> You can see what the demo server does, at
  87. [01:58:55] <cygnus> we run live demos of the trunk example code for each of the three implementations.
  88. [01:59:33] <flaccid> oh but this is 403?
  89. [02:00:14] <bcardarella> flaccid: the rails example server can easily be adopted to integrate a user model. You can also use a pre-existing openid from any site to test against the consumer controller
  90. [02:00:17] <cygnus> yeah, that's not the examples URL for PHP
  91. [02:00:25] <cygnus> is the project page in need of repair?
  92. [02:00:33] <cygnus> ah, no
  93. [02:00:34] <cygnus> it's fine
  94. [02:00:43] <cygnus> (and /server/)
  95. [02:02:02] * flaccid goes to look
  96. [02:02:03] <cygnus> flaccid: where did you see that URL?
  97. [02:02:19] <flaccid> i just assumed the url from the ruby one thats all
  98. [02:02:23] <cygnus> oh. :)
  99. [02:02:24] <cygnus> phew.
  100. [02:02:34] <cygnus> I was wondering if there was a broken URL somewhere.
  101. [02:02:49] <flaccid> hehe
  102. [02:03:10] <flaccid> ok so the server example is just the code as is from the latest trunk or something?
  103. [02:03:47] <cygnus> yep, that's the case with all of the demos we're running
  104. [02:03:55] <cygnus> whenever we push changes to trunk, the appropriate examples get restarted
  105. [02:04:06] * PibbRelay (n=supybot@nat/janrain/x-c76b321be913e6dc) has joined #openid
  106. [02:05:34] <flaccid> ok thanks for the info. i think i must of had problems with apache or something, i knew stuff was sus. as im backing up this disk on the server im getting some errors. i couldn't get to the id page before for example with my test server
  107. [02:06:10] <flaccid> pretty weird, but i'll wait for it to be restored to see if i can duplicate these problems again. i'll get back to you :)
  108. [02:06:53] <flaccid> oh one question i do have. just wondering the point of the standalone server considering examples come with the libs? also if the standalone server supports libs v2.0, it appears not?
  109. [02:07:06] <cygnus> The PHP standalone server?
  110. [02:07:42] <flaccid> yeah thats the one i think:
  111. [02:07:57] <flaccid> just wondering where it sits in the scheme of things too
  112. [02:08:07] <cygnus> You're right, it doesn't support OpenID 2 (which is to say, it hasn't been modified to work with the PHP 2.x.x library).
  113. [02:08:46] <flaccid> ok, so for people wanting the latest support, extending the example is the best thing to do, because we all want openid 2 i would assume
  114. [02:08:55] <bcardarella> cygnus: is there any limit on the amount of data that the AX messages can hold?
  115. [02:08:59] <cygnus> I don't think I'm going to have time to update it in the near future. We're interested in hearing from anyone with the time and motiviation to keep it updated.
  116. [02:09:36] <cygnus> flaccid: yeah, unless someone wants to pitch in and maintain the standalone server codebase, the example server code is the best way to get going.
  117. [02:09:44] <flaccid> cygnus, that could be me possibly, i just don't understand all of it yet
  118. [02:09:46] <bcardarella> or does the data get pushed in url form?
  119. [02:10:01] <bcardarella> URL GET request I mean
  120. [02:10:17] <cygnus> bcardarella: OpenID 2 supports POSTs in both directions, so there is no limit to the amount of data you can transfer with AX, aside from server-configured limits.
  121. [02:10:58] <bcardarella> cygnus: is OpenID defaulted to sending everything in POST?
  122. [02:11:07] <cygnus> it depends on the implementation.
  123. [02:11:24] <bcardarella> Okay, so it's something I have to set in a configuration
  124. [02:11:32] <cygnus> for example, the libraries only do POSTs if 1) the size of the message exceeds the OpenID 1 limit AND 2) if the RP author knows to do it.
  125. [02:11:59] <cygnus> to do a POST, you'll need to ask the library for an HTML version of the OpenID message in the form of an HTML form, and then render that to the browser.
  126. [02:12:16] <bcardarella> so if the RP initiates a OpenID in POST form it'll default to POST?
  127. [02:12:18] <flaccid> cygnus, is it just a case of the methods and so forth called have different names, params etc. ?
  128. [02:12:29] <cygnus> bcardarella: it should, yeah
  129. [02:12:37] <bcardarella> okay cool
  130. [02:12:39] <cygnus> flaccid: for the most part, yeah.
  131. [02:12:53] <cygnus> flaccid: to take full advantage of OpenID 2 features, non-trivial changes need to be made
  132. [02:13:17] <cygnus> as far as I'm concerned, the standalone server needs to completely rewritten using a well-chosen PHP web framework.
  133. [02:13:25] <cygnus> vanilla PHP is very, very unappealing and difficult to maintain.
  134. [02:13:32] <cygnus> not to mention difficult to understand.
  135. [02:13:44] <flaccid> cygnus, you just don't have time to update? or do you think that project should maybe deprecated in favour of extensible examples with the libs or the examples for separate download in addition to the examples?
  136. [02:14:04] <flaccid> cygnus, i'd like to write it in CakePHP..
  137. [02:14:28] <cygnus> flaccid: both. :) But again, if someone wants to help rewrite it, improve it, or just update it for the 2.x.x library, then we're not going to stop it
  138. [02:14:31] <flaccid> i mean in addition to the libs lol
  139. [02:14:33] <cygnus> we'd love it
  140. [02:15:14] <flaccid> cygnus, would you be happy to help provide info/help on doing this from the API point of view/code changes ?
  141. [02:15:27] <flaccid> aka some tips
  142. [02:15:46] <cygnus> flaccid: yeah, but if you're going to write it in, say, CakePHP, I'd recommend just starting from scratch using the library example code.
  143. [02:16:01] <cygnus> you could borrow some things from the standalone server, like the captcha code.
  144. [02:16:06] <cygnus> if you wanted to, anyway.
  145. [02:16:28] <flaccid> cygnus, yeah so the end result would be similar, the goal to implement it well
  146. [02:17:03] <cygnus> yeah. we'd like to see it do some things the current one does, like utilize more than one kind of database (which should be trivial with stuff like CakePHP)
  147. [02:17:05] <flaccid> ok cool, i shall finish this freebsd server, set up the dev environment again and then no doubt nag you with questions periodically
  148. [02:17:29] <flaccid> yeah even oracle support would love in the enterprise
  149. [02:18:27] <cygnus> if someone can write an example server using a popular framework, we wouldn't mind distributing it with the library. that's what we did for python and ruby; python includes Django code and ruby includes rails code.
  150. [02:22:23] <flaccid> ah interesting
  151. [02:23:12] <cygnus> alright, I'm out for the night
  152. [02:23:16] <flaccid> well i think im the man, well at least the one to gt it going
  153. [02:23:22] <flaccid> catchya soon then, thanks for the chat
  154. [02:23:25] <cygnus> yw, later
  155. [02:23:27] * cygnus ( has left #openid
  156. [02:32:07] * benj3one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  157. [02:37:19] <bcardarella> Cygnus: I think I have a good handle on the AX stuff... If I come up with a good example I'll try to integrate it into the example server and send it to the dev team.
  158. [02:37:20] * fajro ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  159. [02:37:24] <bcardarella> thanks for the help
  160. [02:37:26] * bcardarella ( has left #openid
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  162. [02:43:45] <flaccid> right now to completing this boring backup process
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  220. [14:41:55] <RandomCake> Hi, I'm trying to set up as simple a OpenID server as possible and have been having a go with Clamshell, and it keeps giving this error: 'Missing expected authorization header.', I've no idea what it means, and the readme just says to clear cookies, and that doesn't make any difference...
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  236. [16:08:46] * gloriajw ( has joined #openid
  237. [16:09:08] <gloriajw> Hi, I am new to OpenId and I have a Python interface question.
  238. [16:10:02] * hendry ( has joined #openid
  239. [16:10:05] <gloriajw> I'd like to know how to authenticate someone via OpenId without the HTTP control. I want to be able to pass my own data to it, and have it respond back...
  240. [16:10:17] <gloriajw> and I get/put this from/to HTTP using my own service.
  241. [16:10:44] <gloriajw> Is this possible?
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  248. [16:18:53] <gloriajw> Hi, I am new to OpenId and I have a Python interface question.
  249. [16:19:01] <gloriajw> gloriajw: I'd like to know how to authenticate someone via OpenId without the HTTP control. I want to be able to pass my own data to it, and have it respond back...
  250. [16:19:01] <gloriajw> (11:10:08 AM) gloriajw: and I get/put this from/to HTTP using my own service.
  251. [16:19:01] <gloriajw> (11:10:35 AM) gloriajw: Is this possible?
  252. [16:24:07] * flaccid ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  311. [21:09:01] <bcardarella> Is there anybody from the dev team in here?
  312. [21:09:20] <bcardarella> Regarding the ruby gem
  313. [21:14:13] * rebel_leader ( has joined #openid
  314. [21:15:46] <_keturn> hi bcardarella
  315. [21:16:18] <bcardarella> Hey, I've got a question about the kvform.rb method: seq_to_kv
  316. [21:16:57] <bcardarella> on line 46 it tests to see if any newlines are in the outgoing OpenID data... if so it defaults to an error
  317. [21:17:10] <bcardarella> This seems to really limit the type of data that can be sent with AX
  318. [21:18:12] <_keturn> you'll have to use some escaping mechanism, yes
  319. [21:19:16] <bcardarella> So I should escape all newlines to \\n ?
  320. [21:19:43] <_keturn> or base64 encode or something like that
  321. [21:20:11] <bcardarella> Okay... I'll look into that. Thanks
  322. [21:20:58] * cygnus ( has joined #openid
  323. [21:20:58] <jibot> cygnus is WorkerBee(name="Jonathan Daugherty", company="JanRain, Inc.")
  324. [21:21:08] <cygnus> howdy, bcardarella
  325. [21:21:23] <cygnus> keturn and I can help with the ruby gem
  326. [21:21:46] <cygnus> and maybe PibbRelay, but he gets a little crazy sometimes
  327. [21:21:51] <bcardarella> hey cygnus
  328. [21:21:56] <cygnus> oh, rorek's here, too
  329. [21:21:59] <cygnus> so that makes three of us
  330. [21:23:04] <bcardarella> I actually finished the AX example for the demo server... pretty much just copied the SReg example but it works. I'm just running into some issue of the seq_to_kv method not liking \n but keturn suggested escaping it
  331. [21:24:41] * cygnus nods, newlines are not permitted
  332. [21:24:43] <bcardarella> I guess I should describe what I'm trying to do and see if you have a suggestion. I'm trying to send an encoded string via AX. I found a gem called EzCrypto that allows me to encode, decode strings from a salt and a password. The only issue is that it spits out some newline characters that the OpenID gem doesn't like... I'm currently searching for an alternative to ExCrypto
  333. [21:25:11] <bcardarella> ExCrypto = EzCrypto
  334. [21:25:43] <bcardarella> But other than that the AX stuff is working great!
  335. [21:26:22] <cygnus> you could base64-encode the data
  336. [21:27:12] <bcardarella> Yes, but can't just anyone then base64-decode? Or does Base64 allow me to set a salt?
  337. [21:27:44] <cygnus> well, base64 isn't for security; it's to solve the \n problem
  338. [21:27:53] <cygnus> presumably what you're encoding is already obscure enough
  339. [21:28:18] <cygnus> so whatever the result of Ezcrypto is (with newlines) would be base64-encoded
  340. [21:28:24] <cygnus> and therefore safe for use with AX
  341. [21:28:59] <bcardarella> Oh ok, I get it... then just base64 decode, the ezcrypto decode
  342. [21:29:04] <bcardarella> yeah, lemme try that...
  343. [21:29:09] <cygnus> yeah
  344. [21:33:03] * pvandewyngaerde ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
  345. [21:33:33] <bcardarella> Hmmm.... Base64.encode64("\n") produces "Cg==\n"
  346. [21:34:57] <bcardarella> Actually... it seems to be doing that for all strings so perhaps that normal behavior. But it is still leaving a \n in the middle of my encrypted string that seq_to_kv is picking up onj
  347. [21:35:48] <_keturn> I expect we've already dealt with that somewhere in the code, since OpenID uses base64 for this purpose in certain places. I remember j3h looking up the base64 spec where it says that base64.encode needn't produce newlines.
  348. [21:36:53] <bcardarella> Okay, I'll search through our source code to see where you used it
  349. [21:36:58] <_keturn> def Util.to_base64(s)
  350. [21:36:58] <_keturn> Base64.encode64(s).gsub("\n", "")
  351. [21:42:09] <bcardarella> Excellent, that works great. Thanks again
  352. [21:43:49] <_keturn> PibbRelay: you have problems
  353. [21:44:20] <cygnus> PibbRelay is stuck in a flux in the spacetime continuum
  354. [22:28:31] * cygnus ( has left #openid
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